Perseverance: my word for the day... and what is my Bible reading for the day? uh huh... you guessed it!
2 Thessalonians 3:13 "And as for you, brothers (sisters), never tire of doing what is right."
Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."
AND this is the definition I found of the word persevere - "to refuse to give up; to keep on trying; to continue in one's actions or beliefs in spite of problems.)
How many times have I wanted to quit because something just wasn't going my way, or I didn't think I was doing it right, or.... well, you get the idea. My Dad was a great teacher of perseverance. He always told me to "stick with it, keep trying, don't give up. If you believe in it and know that it is the right thing to do, even if something is bogging you down, just keep on plugging". I learned from an early age to finish what I had started, and it has NOT always been easy. The easy thing to do a lot of the time would be to throw in the towel. But, is that the easy thing? Who are you hurting when you do?
Now I'm thinking back to when I played softball on the Carroll County Women's league, yes it was a long time ago... figured I'd say it before everyone thought it. I had a major issue with one of the coaches, I was ready to walk away from it all. AND because of my love for the game, that was huge. But, I was ready to give it up, end my season..... but was that the right thing to do? Who would benefit from it, certainly not the team. Would I feel any better?
Who did I turn too? Yeah, Dad. What did he tell me? He told me that I needed to finish what I started. Don't walk away, it wouldn't solve anything. Keep on plugging, be there for the team. You signed up for the duration, walking away would only hurt the team, and maybe even forfeit the season. Dad was a smart cookie, you know.
There have been several other things that I have wanted to throw the towel in on.... Are you having some thoughts of throwing in the towel?
Here's a thought:
persevere - "to refuse to give up; to keep on trying; to continue in one's actions or beliefs in spite of problems.