I have for the past couple of years been waiting on the Lord. Waiting is not easy for me, I am a hurry up and get 'er done kind of gal. It has been difficult to not see results as I have prayed for God to show me where He wants me, what He wants me to do... I am ready, Lord... here I am, Lord.... now, Lord.... well, you get the idea.
I felt His nudge to release myself from various ministries I was involved in, okay, I did that. And I felt Him nudge me to an area that was definitely NOT in my gift of service... or that's what I thought. And it has been a fun time, and definitely a learning time. And now I am feeling that nudge to move out again in faith and trust. What could it be? I have always had a heart for women's ministry, and led a women's Sunday school class, and several Bible studies. So what is it Lord? Again I am praying for what? where? when? And I am still waiting....
In June I attended for my third year the WH&FMS Missions Conference at Alton Bay. It was the best time. Worshiping with all those women, praying and hearing how God is working in the hearts and lives of these women. A new ministry opportunity presented by Becky Nicoll titled "Mary's Heart". I've got to tell you, goosebumps... oh yeah... goosebumps!
Then to business.... Becky announced that there was an opening for president of the Maranatha Conference... asked everyone to be in prayer for that position. My stomach started churning, I had only had a slice of toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast... so I was a bit uncomfortable with the hunger pangs... or so I thought. As Becky continued with her report, I prayed for that request. It was the least I could do. I nudged Susan sitting beside me and said Susan they are looking for a president... I thought, she would be perfect... the hunger pangs were stronger, and I was about to excuse myself to go out and find something to eat, when we were excused for a break to get a refreshment and drink. Phew!!! I wanted to go up and see Becky for a minute, and Susan wanted to go too... but before we did I looked at Susan and said something to the effect of.... pray for me, I think the Lord is nudging me to find out more about this presidency thing.... what? did I really say that? I waited my turn to talk with Becky, and yes, I asked her to pray with me about it. The hunger pangs were kind of subsiding... we had a wonderful time of prayer.
Well, as the day moved on I called David and talked about what I was feeling and believing that it was of the Lord, and his comment to me in return was... "If you know it is of the Lord, go for it. " I asked him to pray, and I would continue to pray through the afternoon.. The rest of the afternoon was just as incredible as the morning... what a great spirit there that Saturday.... Well, I had been praying, everyone had been praying... there was no question in my mind.... I should go and tell Becky that I felt the call of the Lord to fill this position... I was so excited! She was excited, the board was excited... God had opened a door to women's ministry, right there, not where I thought it would be.... I was thinking CBC, but He had other plans... His plan... for me that Saturday.
This is the year I will be intentional about pursuing the ministry to women God has placed on my heart.... as I am typing this blog, I am getting so excited about the possibilities to minister with the women in the New Hampshire Maranatha Conference... I am looking forward to this new journey.... I am looking forward to what God has for me on this journey.... so excited! goosebumps!