Tuesday, November 21, 2017

So thankful...

It's that time of year that we all have things to be thankful for...  but should it only be this time of year?  Don't we have things to be thankful for every day of the year?  Why do we focus so much attention on the month of November to give thanks?

Scripture says:
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"
Psalm 118:1

"...be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ..."
Ephesians 18b-20
                      ALWAYS AND FOR EVERYTHING

"give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
                       IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES

Oh, I am definitely giving thanks this month...  but not just this month...  it is always.  I have a very long list of things to be thankful for...  the first thing I am thankful for every day of my life, Jesus..   His love, His saving grace, His sacrifice on the cross...  He did that for me...  and He did that for you.  I am forever grateful!!!

There is so so much more that I am thankful for...  oh yes, much more...  every day...  it just overwhelms me how I have been blessed.

David, he is my knight in shining armor.  The love of my life.  He is loving, caring, compassionate.  He is a man of God, honest, hardworking and the list just goes on and on.  God blessed me with this love.

Michelle and Melissa, daughters, true gifts of God.  Both beautiful, smart, loving and compassionate young women, following God's plan for their lives.  My heart overflows with love for them.

Alan, my son by heart...  who came into my life in a big way in 2003.  He is handsome, has a great big heart, makes me smile, he is independent, strong willed, and sees things differently than I do...  but what a joy he is to me, and I love him as if he were my own.

Joel, my son by love...  marrying Michelle in 2008.  A wonderful loving husband and father.  A man of God serving faithfully at their place of worship.  We are blessed to have him a part of our family.

Noah, Isaac, Peter...  3 of the most handsome little men I have ever seen.  Each so different from the other. I didn't think being a Grammie could be so much fun.  Oh how I love them.  3 very precious gifts.  My heart just bubbles up with love for them.

Jimmy...  he came into our lives about 3 years ago.  He is fun loving, witty, thoughtful, a young man who loves God and our Melissa.  He makes my heart smile.

And there are so many others, family and friends.  I am truly thankful for each and every one of you.  My life has been enriched with you in it.

And things?  Our warm cozy home, our jobs, our transportation...  we are so thankful for everything...  God has blessed us with all that we need and so much more.  How can we not be thankful always and for everything?

And in all circumstances?  YES!!!  and in all circumstances.  Life is not always easy.  It can be down right difficult.  I can attest to that...  I think all of us can attest to that...  but I have learned that even in those difficult circumstances God has been there with me.  I may not always think so at the time...  but when I look back on the what if's?  He has brought me through some pretty amazing things, even a brush with death.  It's been a journey of learning for me...  and I know this journey of learning isn't over yet.

So, not just this month but all year long I am thankful.  The blessings, the life gift, the love of Jesus...  I am thankful always and for everything and in all circumstances.  God has been so good to me...  and do I deserve it?  NO!!!  but he loves me that much...

Forever Grateful
You did not wait for me to draw near to You, 
but You clothed Yourself in frail humanity. 
You did not wait for me to cry out to You, 
but You let me hear Your voice calling me.
And I'm forever grateful, Lord, to You. 
And I'm forever grateful for the cross. 
And I'm forever grateful to You, 
that You came to seek and save the lost. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What a glorious day!

It's been one of those days that I just can't say thank you enough to God.  Maybe it's because it's a five month anniversary of the day I had no heartbeat and had a code blue called and then was literally given another chance at life by my God.  Maybe?

Life has taken on a new meaning for me.  I am so grateful for it.  So thankful for it.   God has a plan for me, and I am ready to do whatever whenever.

WOW!!!!  I just love this life He has given me.  It's beautiful!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


I'm trying to figure out what this time of my life is supposed to be about and what God has planned for me. Some days I feel like I’ve lost my purpose, and direction. Yeah, today is one of those days. I know my joy is supposed to be rooted in Christ and not in my circumstances. But today, I am having a hard time handling this time in my life, these circumstances.

Please, I can't do "just one more thing". This is all I've got. So please please, don't ask again.