3:30am.... yeah, that's right... that is the time I woke this morning... tossing and turning. The head was so full of stuff... everything was going round and round...
My thoughts went from person to person, thing to thing, my heart was hurting, my eyes were watering, deep sighs... all I could do was say a name quietly, and sigh...
Then roll over and close my eyes hoping for a little more sleep... but the eyelids would pop open and another name would be whispered, and another sigh...
I didn't know how to pray for these that I love, I could only whisper their name, and sigh... but God knows everything... and I know He heard my heart this morning...
Finally peace... I rolled over, and got very comfortable... and the alarm clock sounded that it was time to get up... 5:30am did you come quickly.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
This is the day.... starting over part 2
YES!!! Starting over was a good thing. Better eating and a little more exercising... 3 less than last week... the plateau is no longer. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Mmmm... missing him.
It all started with a green plain jacket that David found in the basement. He used it because it was soft to gather pears from the trees in the back yard. When he came in with the basket, filled with green and pears, I asked what he had. "I found this in the basement, I think it might have been your Dads. I used it to protect the pears."
I carefully unwrapped the pears from the green plaid whatever it was, and pulled it out of the basket. Indeed it was a jacket of my Dad's. I remember it well. When Dad wasn't wearing it, Mom was.
You know what my first reaction to the jacket was? I brought it up to my face, rubbed my cheek with it, and smelled it hoping for a little scent of my Dad. Just hoping for a little bit... maybe I did, and maybe I didn't... I put it around my shoulders, and the warmth I felt from it was so soothing. I wonder if when Mom wore it that she felt that too. I wonder if she felt a little more secure with it wrapped around her shoulders.
Oh how I miss him. The first man I ever loved. Grateful for the memories, and the love that will forever live on.
I carefully unwrapped the pears from the green plaid whatever it was, and pulled it out of the basket. Indeed it was a jacket of my Dad's. I remember it well. When Dad wasn't wearing it, Mom was.
You know what my first reaction to the jacket was? I brought it up to my face, rubbed my cheek with it, and smelled it hoping for a little scent of my Dad. Just hoping for a little bit... maybe I did, and maybe I didn't... I put it around my shoulders, and the warmth I felt from it was so soothing. I wonder if when Mom wore it that she felt that too. I wonder if she felt a little more secure with it wrapped around her shoulders.
Oh how I miss him. The first man I ever loved. Grateful for the memories, and the love that will forever live on.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
This is the day.... starting over
Okay, so this plateau thing is really getting on my nerves. another two months and nothing is happening... so today, I am starting over... going back to the basics... measuring, counting, weighing... going to try to get this weight loss going again. Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with what I have been able to lose, and the ability to do more... but I am ready to kick it up a notch... so here I go.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
A Momma's perspective....
Yes, I have been sitting here pondering. Smiling. Giggling. Crying happy tears. Looking at family pictures. Heart overflowing with love. Mmmm.... just taking in all the blessings of this God given life.
I am so very proud of my girls. Both unique individuals. Both full time learners. Doing what they know God has for them. Both of them loving the Lord, and relying on Him to make it through the toughest days.
Michelle, our farmer. Studying hard to learn the ins and outs of gardening, chickens, cows, and homesteading. And as she puts it, using her math and science skills in everything, even backing up a horse trailer.
Melissa, our professor to be. She has always wanted to be a "full time learner"... and with what she is studying... I think it's better her than me. She is "loving" her apartment, studies hard, and really enjoys teaching.
We joke around a lot about who they take after. If they didn't look so much like us, we would think they were switched at birth.
Michelle is so much like her Daddy, she looks like the Haire family for sure. She is a deep thinker, and a hands on learner, determined. She is slow to make comments, thinking about what she should say and not blurting it out. She would do anything for her little family. Yes, she is so very much like her Daddy.
Melissa, as some have said, is a carbon copy of her Momma, and has a combination of the Clifford/Avery families. She is determined (stubborn), she knows what she wants and goes for it. She is independent, and likes to have quiet times alone. She is compassionate. Her emotions sometimes run rampant. She loves her friends. She loves her family, and just adores her nephews.
Yes this Momma has been pondering about her daughters, and my heart is overflowing with pride for who they have become, the beautiful young women they are. God gave me the desire of my heart, to have a family. You see, I was having some abdominal issues and went in for a physical and was told at doctors visit in the late 70's that I would most likely never have children. Never? That was filed in the deep part of my brain, until I met David in 1987. The man of my dreams. And then that memory flashed back of the doctors appointment. We had talked about having a family with up to 6 children, so this was something he needed to know. We talked about it, if we couldn't have children there could be adoption, or maybe we would just serve the Lord together, just the two of us. Well, God granted me the desire of my heart. That minimal chance of having my own children, became a reality. 2 beautiful daughters. Blessed beyond my expectations. I had my family.
So there you have it... my ponderings... from this Momma's perspective... my heart is overflowing with love... with joy... with happiness... and my eyes are overflowing with tears... happy tears...
I am sure that there will be more ponderings in the future... but for now...
I am so very proud of my girls. Both unique individuals. Both full time learners. Doing what they know God has for them. Both of them loving the Lord, and relying on Him to make it through the toughest days.
Michelle, our farmer. Studying hard to learn the ins and outs of gardening, chickens, cows, and homesteading. And as she puts it, using her math and science skills in everything, even backing up a horse trailer.
Melissa, our professor to be. She has always wanted to be a "full time learner"... and with what she is studying... I think it's better her than me. She is "loving" her apartment, studies hard, and really enjoys teaching.
We joke around a lot about who they take after. If they didn't look so much like us, we would think they were switched at birth.
Michelle is so much like her Daddy, she looks like the Haire family for sure. She is a deep thinker, and a hands on learner, determined. She is slow to make comments, thinking about what she should say and not blurting it out. She would do anything for her little family. Yes, she is so very much like her Daddy.
Melissa, as some have said, is a carbon copy of her Momma, and has a combination of the Clifford/Avery families. She is determined (stubborn), she knows what she wants and goes for it. She is independent, and likes to have quiet times alone. She is compassionate. Her emotions sometimes run rampant. She loves her friends. She loves her family, and just adores her nephews.
Yes this Momma has been pondering about her daughters, and my heart is overflowing with pride for who they have become, the beautiful young women they are. God gave me the desire of my heart, to have a family. You see, I was having some abdominal issues and went in for a physical and was told at doctors visit in the late 70's that I would most likely never have children. Never? That was filed in the deep part of my brain, until I met David in 1987. The man of my dreams. And then that memory flashed back of the doctors appointment. We had talked about having a family with up to 6 children, so this was something he needed to know. We talked about it, if we couldn't have children there could be adoption, or maybe we would just serve the Lord together, just the two of us. Well, God granted me the desire of my heart. That minimal chance of having my own children, became a reality. 2 beautiful daughters. Blessed beyond my expectations. I had my family.
So there you have it... my ponderings... from this Momma's perspective... my heart is overflowing with love... with joy... with happiness... and my eyes are overflowing with tears... happy tears...
I am sure that there will be more ponderings in the future... but for now...
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
This IS the day... and so it goes
Oops!! Forgot to blog this morning before leaving the house. Yes, I did do the weigh in... and I got wrapped up in some other stuff that needed to get done, so didn't sit down and do this part of my Tuesday. Well, happily since starting over I haven't gained anything... so, maybe you have guessed it? I didn't lose anything either. This plateau thing really stinks... but I will not fret about it, I am feeling so much better, and eating so much better... A1C and blood pressure are so much better. So, I am doing what I can for now. I will keep at it. And not give up. Thanks for being my accountability partners... and for all the encouragement I have received since March. So, until next week.... :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
This IS the day.... starting over...
Well, this plateau thing is getting on my nerves... yeah, I have already weighed in, and it is still the same... SO ... I am starting over. I am not going to go crazy with it... but I am going to get back to the measuring, portioning, weighing, writing it in my journal... I've slacked off a bit, and I need to get back to it. So, "This IS the day" is taking on a new start.... let's see where it goes from here.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
This IS the day....
So, it's been a bit of a challenge this week.... especially this past weekend with lasagna and s'mores.... but even with that.... I did pretty well I think... so I am not going to wait, I am going for the weigh in... brb... okay, I am going to complain just a little bit... but it is really only to myself... nothing... no loss, no gain (thankfully). Okay Sharon, what are you going to do about this?
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
This IS the day... and so it goes...
Okay, so today is the day... yep, my weekly check in... so here I go... well, not what I had hoped for, but I am not surprised... the bad news is that I didn't lose anything... I really don't consider that bad news though... it's just a little hiccup in the process. The good news is that I didn't gain anything... so I am standing still at a loss of 22 1/2. I am happy with my accomplishments so far... and This IS the day will continue...
Monday, June 16, 2014
This IS the day... continues
Wow! I just noticed that I forgot to blog last week... so, I am going to leave this as last weeks blog. This is what I shared with the ladies at the Annual Women's Connection Conference. There were 3 of us that shared on our healthier lifestyle changes. I'll be doing my regular checking in tomorrow ... but for now..
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Good afternoon!
Becky has asked me to share a little about my journey of becoming physically healthier, so I will do my best to make it brief, and understandable.
I have struggled with weight issues all of my adult life. Losing, gaining, gaining more, losing. I accepted that as who I was, and the way it was always going to be. It was in the genes.
Since attending the Eastern Region General Conference in October of 2013, and hearing the word “intentional” over and over again… I have been more “intentional” on seeking the Lord, building relationships, and loving the lost… at least this is what I thought I was doing… I felt I was doing ALL I needed to be a better person, and definitely seeking the Lord was going to make me healthier, spiritually at least.
I don’t know exactly what happened or when it happened, but it was sometime in the first of this year that I felt that I had hit a wall, and was falling apart. I ached, didn’t feel well, was tired all the time, could do nothing without pain. I had had it! I prayed, and cried out to the Lord… “Why am I in so much pain, please take it away…” What was happening to me? I was stressed, and couldn’t seem to get out of my own way.
I had a doctors appointment the end of February, and received the news that my A1C was back up to an unacceptable number, and they were going to prescribe a stronger medication. There was NO WAY that I was going to let that happen. I was more determined than ever that I had to do something, hmmm…. But what? I believe this was God getting my attention… Not the way I had hoped… but in a way that I needed. I needed to do something… He wasn’t going to just take it away for me, my choices hadn’t always been good choices for me to be healthy… and now I had to make a choice.
So, this was how I was going to do it. No, not a diet. Ugh !! I really despise that word. I had been eating everything and anything in quantities that were way out of proportion., and heaven forbid if we had leftovers. I LOVE FOOD!!! I was not going to eliminate anything, just cut back. The measuring cups came out, the scales were dusted off and on the counter… and a plan to exercise needed to be in place. The eating part was easy, the exercise with the pain? Not so easy. I didn’t need to go and buy anything for the exercise part either… I had a built in stair stepper at work, yep, two flights of stairs, and the weights were in the food pantry, cases of food that could be picked up and put down, and 1 pound cans of vegetables could be used as hand weights… there are walls for wall sits, and wall push ups. I had all the needed items, and needed to put them to good use. AND I needed to be held accountable. Always seems to be a bit easier for me when I have others checking in on me. So, a weekly blog titled “This IS the Day” started on March 4th.
Since that March 4th date, with portioning my food and exercising I have become healthier physically. I have lot 22 ½ pounds, I have gone down two whole sizes in my jeans, the pain I had experienced in my knees has become minimal, I can sit behind the steering wheel of my van without my belly touching it, when I stand up and look down I can actually see my feet, when I hold my grandsons I have a lap for them, and at my last blood draw my A1C has gone from an 8.4 to a 7.0. And I AM NOT DONE YET!!!
The good news? Because I have become healthier physically, I have a better attitude, my spiritual health is better, and because that is true, it is easier for me to be intentional seeking, loving, and serving.
You see, Genesis 1 tells us that everything God made was good. That includes our bodies! Your body is a gift from God.
In Psalm 139, we see that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
And in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 we see that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit through which we honor God.
So, in light of all of this, these were questions that I had to ask myself…
What priority did I give to exercise? (quite honestly, none!)
What thought had I been giving to my diet and weight? (again, none)
Was I valuing and caring for the one body I had been given? (well, I guess not!)
But, I am NOW!!! And so, “This IS the day”… continues.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Good afternoon!
Becky has asked me to share a little about my journey of becoming physically healthier, so I will do my best to make it brief, and understandable.
I have struggled with weight issues all of my adult life. Losing, gaining, gaining more, losing. I accepted that as who I was, and the way it was always going to be. It was in the genes.
Since attending the Eastern Region General Conference in October of 2013, and hearing the word “intentional” over and over again… I have been more “intentional” on seeking the Lord, building relationships, and loving the lost… at least this is what I thought I was doing… I felt I was doing ALL I needed to be a better person, and definitely seeking the Lord was going to make me healthier, spiritually at least.
I don’t know exactly what happened or when it happened, but it was sometime in the first of this year that I felt that I had hit a wall, and was falling apart. I ached, didn’t feel well, was tired all the time, could do nothing without pain. I had had it! I prayed, and cried out to the Lord… “Why am I in so much pain, please take it away…” What was happening to me? I was stressed, and couldn’t seem to get out of my own way.
I had a doctors appointment the end of February, and received the news that my A1C was back up to an unacceptable number, and they were going to prescribe a stronger medication. There was NO WAY that I was going to let that happen. I was more determined than ever that I had to do something, hmmm…. But what? I believe this was God getting my attention… Not the way I had hoped… but in a way that I needed. I needed to do something… He wasn’t going to just take it away for me, my choices hadn’t always been good choices for me to be healthy… and now I had to make a choice.
So, this was how I was going to do it. No, not a diet. Ugh !! I really despise that word. I had been eating everything and anything in quantities that were way out of proportion., and heaven forbid if we had leftovers. I LOVE FOOD!!! I was not going to eliminate anything, just cut back. The measuring cups came out, the scales were dusted off and on the counter… and a plan to exercise needed to be in place. The eating part was easy, the exercise with the pain? Not so easy. I didn’t need to go and buy anything for the exercise part either… I had a built in stair stepper at work, yep, two flights of stairs, and the weights were in the food pantry, cases of food that could be picked up and put down, and 1 pound cans of vegetables could be used as hand weights… there are walls for wall sits, and wall push ups. I had all the needed items, and needed to put them to good use. AND I needed to be held accountable. Always seems to be a bit easier for me when I have others checking in on me. So, a weekly blog titled “This IS the Day” started on March 4th.
Since that March 4th date, with portioning my food and exercising I have become healthier physically. I have lot 22 ½ pounds, I have gone down two whole sizes in my jeans, the pain I had experienced in my knees has become minimal, I can sit behind the steering wheel of my van without my belly touching it, when I stand up and look down I can actually see my feet, when I hold my grandsons I have a lap for them, and at my last blood draw my A1C has gone from an 8.4 to a 7.0. And I AM NOT DONE YET!!!
The good news? Because I have become healthier physically, I have a better attitude, my spiritual health is better, and because that is true, it is easier for me to be intentional seeking, loving, and serving.
You see, Genesis 1 tells us that everything God made was good. That includes our bodies! Your body is a gift from God.
In Psalm 139, we see that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
And in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 we see that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit through which we honor God.
So, in light of all of this, these were questions that I had to ask myself…
What priority did I give to exercise? (quite honestly, none!)
What thought had I been giving to my diet and weight? (again, none)
Was I valuing and caring for the one body I had been given? (well, I guess not!)
But, I am NOW!!! And so, “This IS the day”… continues.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
This is the day... and so it goes...
Wow! Can hardly believe that another week has gone by already, and then I look at the calendar and see that it is log in and weigh in day... I think I've done pretty well this week, the hardest part was this weekend with the campfire and s'mores. "Sticktoittiveness" is what I need to keep on doing... Yesterday, I had to take a side trip to WalMart on my way home... the jeans that David bought me a month ago are now too big... so another 2 pair had to be purchased... thankfully they are on sale at only $9.00 a pair... so I have now gone down 2 sizes... :) pretty excited about that. Well, I suppose instead of just thinking about it, I should head on in and do this weigh in thing... so, here I go... WAHOO!!!! WOOT!!!! YES!!! It was a very good weight loss week... another -3. And away I go into another week... yeah, pretty happy... I can do this... I am doing this... WOOT!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
This is the day... and so it goes...
So, another week has come and gone... trying to figure out where it all went. I guess I will just go and see how things went this past week, not feeling like a blog this morning. Be back in a minute or so... I'm back on the downward trend again... not a lot, but at least it's going in the right direction. -.5... phew!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
This is the day... oh yes it is.
Wow! Another week into this and I am still doing what I set out to do.... to get myself healthier... and it is definitely not as hard as I had thought it might get... I think it is because I am not cutting anything out... Just cutting back the portions, and quite honestly I am not craving anything... This has been so much easier than I really expected it to be.
AND, David took me shopping for some new jeans... I was able to go down a complete size... YEAH!!!! didn't that feel good to find something that fit, and was comfortable....
Okay, so here I go to check out the the verdict for this week... be right back. Well, another week of no change... I am NOT complaining... it was bound to happen, and I am feeling so much better. AND my blood sugar in the mornings has gone down and been staying at a good read. That is big for me... I am on a roll.... and I am sticking to it for sure.
So, here comes another week...
AND, David took me shopping for some new jeans... I was able to go down a complete size... YEAH!!!! didn't that feel good to find something that fit, and was comfortable....
Okay, so here I go to check out the the verdict for this week... be right back. Well, another week of no change... I am NOT complaining... it was bound to happen, and I am feeling so much better. AND my blood sugar in the mornings has gone down and been staying at a good read. That is big for me... I am on a roll.... and I am sticking to it for sure.
So, here comes another week...
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
This is the day... so it continues...
Yes this is the day... I am feeling so much better since I began this little trip. That makes it so much easier to keep on doing, and keep on going. So I am off to check on this past week... Well I expected this to happen one of these weeks, and it is okay... no loss, but no gain... and I'm okay... and now I'm off to do my exercises and have my breakfast... I'll be back next week... see ya then.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
This is the day... oh yeah, it is...
9 weeks ago today I started this journey with a determination to get healthier... eat better, exercise more, take care of myself physically and mentally (the mentally thing is debatable)... and I have done what I could to make that happen. It has been easier than I anticipated, I think that is because I am not denying myself anything... I have not given up dessert, snacks, nothing... just making a lot of better choices. And I am really liking all the fresh fruit and veggies... And working at CBC has made it easier with the exercising... there are a lot of stairs to go up and down, and not just because I have to, but when I want to get up and just move, I can go up to the 3rd floor and back around to my office. So, here I go to see how it's gone this week. YES!!!! another -3.5 pounds. just checked back and that means I am at -19 pounds. Wow!!! Feeling really good with the results so far... so here I go into week 10... continuing the eating habits and the "stair stepping". WOOT!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
This is the day.... slow and steady.
Measuring cups, check. Food scales, check. Calorie counting sheet, check. Computer, check. Food diary, check. Vacation part 2, check. Yep, vacation did not have to mean not eating yummy food. If I couldn't find the nutrition facts on the menu, I would check it on line... I'm finding what I need to stay away from, and what is okay... and I haven't stopped eating anything... if I want something I have it... so this healthier eating endeavor has been fairly easy, and I'm liking the results... well, let's see how it went the last week of vacation... here we go... WOOT!!! -1 this week... the determination is paying off... and of course the accountability to everyone that reads this blog... :) Here we go... off to kick this next week too.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
This is the day... and so it goes...
I counted, portioned, measured all the time on vacation... it wasn't very difficult really... I guess I have gotten into a routine or habit to do it right. Easter dinner was a bit difficult... had to have a little bit of everything... 1/4 cup measure came in very handy... 2 ounces of ham, 2 ounces of pork roast... oops 2 slices of sweet honey corn bread... that was my downfall... and then dessert... homemade pumpkin pie, my favorite... yes I had a piece of pie, a whole piece of pie at that.... but NO ice cream. So, I will go and see what happened this week... here I go... -.5... that is it... and I am so good with it...
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
This is the day.... even on vacation
Yes, even on vacation I am counting, measuring, portioning.... I packed healthy for the drive out and I brought things that would make it easier for me to continue on this quest. So, on this Tuesday morning I did my usual exercises... and I must say that stair stepping has become something I am doing a lot of as our bedroom is on the second floor and we use the shower and laundry in the basement so that makes it even more stair stepping. Good for me, and the knees are doing really really well with it... I think it has something to do with the weight loss... no, I know it has something to do with it... so, am I ready to go and check out how I'm doing? Oh yes, I am... so here I go... wahoo!!! -2.... down another 2 pounds? YES!!!! And we are off for another week of getting healthier...
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
This IS the day... I'm on my way...
I thought the week before was hard, it was nothing compared to this past week. Oh my, what a time I had. Thankful that I could pack all the cookies and stuff into David's lunch box to get them out of the house... I was so tempted, and it was so hard to NOT eat everything and anything that was on the counter in the kitchen.... it's not there now.... thankfully! I had to really stick to the daily menu that I write everyday... I really didn't want to measure and portion, but I did... Stress was really doing a number on me, so I would pause and breathe, and remember that "I can do all this through him who gives me strength," Philippians 4:13
Oh, have I said how hard it was for me last week? UGH!!! I really need this vacation coming up.
So, here I go for my weekly weigh in... Well, I did do what I needed to... but I am still a bit apprehensive about stepping on those scales... WOOT!!! I must say, I am a bit surprised... -1.5. Hard work does pay off! So, to keep on keeping on...
Oh, have I said how hard it was for me last week? UGH!!! I really need this vacation coming up.
So, here I go for my weekly weigh in... Well, I did do what I needed to... but I am still a bit apprehensive about stepping on those scales... WOOT!!! I must say, I am a bit surprised... -1.5. Hard work does pay off! So, to keep on keeping on...
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
This is the day... still going on
It's been a stressful week, and I have really had to watch myself as it would have been so easy to eat, eat, eat... but I have been very diligent in my measuring and portioning... climbing more stairs than usual for sure... and a lot more weight lifting of cases of food in the pantry. :) So, now for the news of the week... here we go... WOW!!! -2.5 these feet are just a dancing. That's a total of 10 pounds... oh yeah, I am doing this... WOOT!!! There is no more I think I can do this... it is I am doing this... onward to the healthier me...
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
This IS the day.... continued
This week has finally come to an end... it has been a difficult one for me... arthritis pain slowed me down some, but I kept on plugging along with the exercising, a bit slower, but it got done. I find that writing everything down that I eat, leaving the pages on the table, keeps me accountable to eat right, and not cheat... and blogging about it is also helping. So, now for the hard part... the weekly weigh in... here I go... be right back... Okay, here it is... after a 0 loss last week... it is a -2 this week. YES!!!! Total of 8 pounds in 3 weeks... psyched!!! I can do this thing. I will do this thing. Onward to a healthier me. :)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Thankful Thursday... March 20
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Our son-by-marriage, Joel |
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Joel, Michelle, Isaac, and Noah |
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
This IS the day... Part 3
So, here it is the end of week 2... before I sat down to type this blog I did my weekly weigh in, and even though I didn't lose any weight this week, I'm okay with that. I know I am not going to lose weight every time I step on the scales, and I do know that I am feeling better, and eating a whole lot healthier. So, onward with week 3... continue with the healthier eating and exercise... and lets see what the results will be next Tuesday... so until then, this "This IS the day" blog is done. :)
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Thankful Thursday - March 13, 2014
Today I am thankful for my very handsome "son by heart" Alan Montgomery Haire. A difficult time for him brought him back "home" about 11 years ago. Grateful that we were able to be a part of that "new start". It hasn't been easy for him, but he has persevered and is doing pretty well. So blessed to have him back in my life, and I love him as if he were my "son by birth".
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A very serious Alan. |
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
This IS the day.... part 2
It's been one whole week. And, it has been a very good week. The portioning, choosing healthier choices, measuring, counting those calories have all been easier than I anticipated. And, the exercising has been kind of fun. I have remembered some of my basketball and softball training exercises and have been kind of enjoying them. Yep, the wall sits, pushups, stair stepping, some light weight lifting and stretching. All is going well... So here is the first week results.... drum roll please... will it be + or -... time to go and check it out... YES!!!! it's a minus. I have lost 6 pounds...
I know I can do this... so bring it on week 2!
I know I can do this... so bring it on week 2!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Thankful Thursday - March 6
I had something all typed out ready to publish, and then I deleted it. Yes, I deleted it on purpose. I have been thinking about how thankful I am today, and so many things flooded my mind and heart I just didn't know where to begin. Well, as the day has progressed, and progressed in a way I did not desire, I have had extra time to think about this thankful Thursday...
So, here is my thankful Thursday post. I have two of the most amazing daughters. I was told years before I married David that if I ever wanted to have children that I should consider adopting. I had less than a 5% chance of having my own. I am so thankful that God saw fit to allow me to have these two beautiful daughters. He heard my hearts desire, and gave me two very precious gifts to love and care for, and watch grow into the wonderful women they have become. How blessed I am. Thankful... oh yes... very thankful!
So, here is my thankful Thursday post. I have two of the most amazing daughters. I was told years before I married David that if I ever wanted to have children that I should consider adopting. I had less than a 5% chance of having my own. I am so thankful that God saw fit to allow me to have these two beautiful daughters. He heard my hearts desire, and gave me two very precious gifts to love and care for, and watch grow into the wonderful women they have become. How blessed I am. Thankful... oh yes... very thankful!
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Melissa and Michelle - I love you so very much! |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Today is the day...
I am having issues with my sugar levels... the doctor wants to increase one of my medications. I am determined that that does not have to happen. Today IS the day!
So, after stepping on the scales and seeing that I have gained 2 pounds since Thanksgiving, I am determined that that is going to change as well. So, I am going to start my healthier eating plan and get in some exercising. The healthier eating plan is no sweat, but the exercising makes me laugh. The arthritis in my knees and hips makes walking very difficult and painful, so I am going another route. I'm sure that the warmer weather (whenever that happens) will help with the arthritis pain. So, I will be doing my wall pushups, my weight lifting (moving cases of food from shelf to shelf in the food pantry makes that work for me), and using my stretching exercises given me by the doctor. I will be walking up and down the stairs a couple of times a day at work, so I will get some walking in. The doctor suggested 5 times a day... I will see how that works, will start out a bit slower I think.
So there you have it, and here I go. Today IS the day for sure.
So, after stepping on the scales and seeing that I have gained 2 pounds since Thanksgiving, I am determined that that is going to change as well. So, I am going to start my healthier eating plan and get in some exercising. The healthier eating plan is no sweat, but the exercising makes me laugh. The arthritis in my knees and hips makes walking very difficult and painful, so I am going another route. I'm sure that the warmer weather (whenever that happens) will help with the arthritis pain. So, I will be doing my wall pushups, my weight lifting (moving cases of food from shelf to shelf in the food pantry makes that work for me), and using my stretching exercises given me by the doctor. I will be walking up and down the stairs a couple of times a day at work, so I will get some walking in. The doctor suggested 5 times a day... I will see how that works, will start out a bit slower I think.
So there you have it, and here I go. Today IS the day for sure.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thankful Thursday.. February 27, 2014
"It doesn't matter who you used to be, it only matters who you are right now." So thankful that my "history" didn't keep me from "His story".
"...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Cor 5:17)
"...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Cor 5:17)
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thankful Thursday February 20th
Thankful today for my husband. Thoughtful and hardworking.
Hardworking: He works hard all week to provide for us, and when he gets home he does what needs to be done around the homestead. For instance, he went to work today as usual and when he arrived back home he went to work clearing all the roofs of snow before the rain and freezing mix comes tonight.
Thoughtful: These last couple of days I've been finding little handwritten notes. "Hi. I love you" on my pillow, and "Nice!! I love you!" on the kitchen counter after dinner, and "I love you!" on the dining room table. <3 br=""> 3>
Blessed! Loved! Encouraged! Thankful! That is how I feel tonight.
Hardworking: He works hard all week to provide for us, and when he gets home he does what needs to be done around the homestead. For instance, he went to work today as usual and when he arrived back home he went to work clearing all the roofs of snow before the rain and freezing mix comes tonight.
Thoughtful: These last couple of days I've been finding little handwritten notes. "Hi. I love you" on my pillow, and "Nice!! I love you!" on the kitchen counter after dinner, and "I love you!" on the dining room table. <3 br=""> 3>
Blessed! Loved! Encouraged! Thankful! That is how I feel tonight.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Another thankful Thursday....
Last Thursday, I posted a status on Facebook... "Have a "Thankful Thursday"! That's my plan...", and Michelle ran with the idea of blogging her thoughts on the thankful Thursday theme. I loved her blog, and even thought it would be a good idea to blog on it as well. I have had many say to me that they are thankful for so much that they wouldn't know where to begin... So, I am going to sit here and blog about what I am thankful for... some are silly, some are thoughtful, some create memories... So here we go, I hope you enjoy my thoughts.
I am thankful for so much, you know, we all say we are thankful for food, shelter, warm homes... all of that, and I am thankful for all of that and so much more, but I am thankful for some of the things in my home that go unnoticed or taken for granted maybe. I am thankful for what they are, what they do, what they remind me of, memories and laughter.... here are some pictures of those things that have made me smile and reminisce.
So, there you have it. My thankful Thursday blog. As I typed this I was smiling, remembering... and that makes my heart feel good.
What are you thankful for on this beautiful Thursday?
I am thankful for so much, you know, we all say we are thankful for food, shelter, warm homes... all of that, and I am thankful for all of that and so much more, but I am thankful for some of the things in my home that go unnoticed or taken for granted maybe. I am thankful for what they are, what they do, what they remind me of, memories and laughter.... here are some pictures of those things that have made me smile and reminisce.
The shelf that Dad built for Mom to display her S&P shaker sets. Now displaying the treasures she had hidden away in the cupboard. Only pulling out for special occasions. |
A beautiful framed needlepoint handed down through the years. Reminding me of family now gone. They will never be forgotten. |
Family |
Family |
And yes, even a dancing singing snowman. Emmitt and Maddison used to love this little guy.. especially Emmitt. But now it is enjoyed by our grandsons. Just a little memory treasure. |
What are you thankful for on this beautiful Thursday?
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Vacation Part 2...
Okay, so remember I said I would not answer the
telephone… well, I did. It was the meals on wheels guy looking for
Bessie. She wasn’t answering her
door… Oh Bessie, what are you up
to? So, I began the phone calls to find
her… after a half hour and dialing her
home again, she answered the phone. She
decided that she needed a couple of prescriptions and a few things at Hannaford’s,
so she called someone to take her.
Phew! I then called the senior
center to let them know as they were very concerned.
Now that that crisis was over, I went back to vacation… yes, a trip to Lowes was definitely in
order. But first, breakfast for lunch at
the local Center Harbor Diner. Delicious!!! Off to Lowes with a list of everything
David needed to finish his project (or I thought). Once we returned back home, David went back
to work on his project, and I went upstairs to relax… I did nearly nothing all day… and that is exactly what I wanted to do on
Thursday, I slept in until the telephone rang at 8:00am
(right Michelle?)… David had gotten up
earlier and was already working on his project.
We had a busy day ahead with a doctor’s appointment, and another trip to
Lowes. Why not stop at Pizza Hut for the pizza
buffet for $5.00? We haven’t been to
Pizza Hut in so long, and it was really really good. And then time off from vacation to go to CBC
and print up the bulletins, inserts, and then stuff the bulletins so that they
will have them for Sunday. I got scolded
by a very good friend when she saw me there.
So, I finished up as fast as I could…
and got out of there… Thank you
Dona Lynn!
So, now I am back on vacation for good… David will have his project completed soon… I must say he is doing a fantastic job on
it… and I have all the laundry done so
that I can repack the suitcase for our next little excursion…
Our last excursion of the vacation was an early start Saturday morning heading south to Mansfield Center, Connecticut to visit Melissa. We had a wonderful time, took her out to eat, did a little shopping, and visited at her apartment for a while. I helped with her dishes (I love doing dishes), helped hang a piece of artwork she did, helped with hanging some new curtains in her living room and bathroom... she loves her apartment, and it is looking quite homey... we chatted a while as David took a much needed nap. Then it was time to say our goodbyes, the visit never seems long enough, and we are already planning our next visit in one month...
We decided to head to Sturbridge and find a place to stay the night, and then Sunday morning head over to Oxford to attend worship at Oak Hill Bible Church. This time we surprised Pastor Glenn and Cindy with our visit... and we were pleasantly surprised to sit next to Pastor Jim and Miriam Loghry. What a wonderful service! And then it was time to head on home... a stop in Concord for dinner at Newick's... a stop at Market Basket for some much needed groceries... then home to unpack, do laundry, get some food ready for our Super Bowl dinner... and just sit back and relax.
David and I both agree that this vacation just wasn't long enough...
Our last excursion of the vacation was an early start Saturday morning heading south to Mansfield Center, Connecticut to visit Melissa. We had a wonderful time, took her out to eat, did a little shopping, and visited at her apartment for a while. I helped with her dishes (I love doing dishes), helped hang a piece of artwork she did, helped with hanging some new curtains in her living room and bathroom... she loves her apartment, and it is looking quite homey... we chatted a while as David took a much needed nap. Then it was time to say our goodbyes, the visit never seems long enough, and we are already planning our next visit in one month...
We decided to head to Sturbridge and find a place to stay the night, and then Sunday morning head over to Oxford to attend worship at Oak Hill Bible Church. This time we surprised Pastor Glenn and Cindy with our visit... and we were pleasantly surprised to sit next to Pastor Jim and Miriam Loghry. What a wonderful service! And then it was time to head on home... a stop in Concord for dinner at Newick's... a stop at Market Basket for some much needed groceries... then home to unpack, do laundry, get some food ready for our Super Bowl dinner... and just sit back and relax.
David and I both agree that this vacation just wasn't long enough...
On the road again... |
I just love the architecture of the old buildings in Worcester |
A favorite place to eat when visiting Melissa. |
Leaving 111 Mansfield Hollow Road |
Cool carving in the lobby of our Inn |
Very nice accommodations in Sturbridge, MA. Really nice continental breakfast included. |
Pretty cool hay bale snowman on our way to worship. |
Great worship, message, and communion with the Oak Hill Bible Church family. Always blessed when we visit. |
Back in NH already? At least we have the rest of the day. |
And of course, dinner for two in Concord. |
Friday, January 31, 2014
David's Project...
You've all been hearing ab out "the project". Well, now I will share it with you. Oh yes, January has been a project month for “the man”. He has been enjoying the project, watching it
all come together, and has appreciated the help of some pretty special guys.
David cleaned out a section of the basement, and on January 4th brother Tom came to help with some framing, from
there David added some outside walls, insulation, and electrical outlets. Brother Bud and nephew Kyle came and hung the
sheet rock, and did the mudding. Then
back to David for some painting, trimming, carpet, adding switches, outlets
and covers, doors, ceiling lights… and all the other stuff I have no idea about... I have had the privilege of being the photographer... and choosing the paint colors...
Here it is from beginning to end.... January 4th, 2014...
Framing with brother Tom |
Insulating |
the outside walls |
master craftsmanship by brother Bud and nephew Kyle |
Painted |
putting down the underlayment and tack strips |
carpet going down |
oak laminate for the closet floor |
carpet all in place |
Threshold installed to closet |
Closet door being installed |
closet door installed and knob added |
The finished project |
So, there it is... David's finished project.... and it has a name... Now known as "Melissa's Room". |
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