I thought I would just share a bit about how my attitude has changed since 2017.
Every time I think about what could have happened, I have tears that roll down my cheeks. I have a love of life that is beyond my wildest dreams, I love my family more than ever, and I love my God more than I ever thought would be possible. I have made a choice to be more present in this life, in my families life, my church families life. I'm learning to accept me, my body, and all its flaws.
In two days (June 13 and 14, 2017) my body went through two traumatic events, a total hip replacement and a stroke. And I am still here. I am left with a slight limp from the surgery with one leg being a slight bit longer than the other, and have a loss of eyesight (right side homonymous hemianopsia) from the stroke. But, I am still here. I am ready to serve my Jesus in whatever He calls me to, to love on my family whenever and however I can, and to do what I can to share with my church family.
The love I have for my guy just gets deeper and stronger every day. It's like falling in love with him over and over again.
Oh, I've had days that I just can't... just have a pity party... but then I remember I was spared death for a reason. God's not done with me yet. I have a purpose and a mission, and I am going to pursue whatever it is.
There you have it, I've had an attitude adjustment. And I am loving how it has made me more alive.
This is a short video of the loss of eyesight if you are interested. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=homonymous+hemianopsia&docid=608025631137074750&mid=F97D2B24DA9503AA1269F97D2B24DA9503AA1269&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
Thanks for your powerful testimony to God’s goodness. He’s a good, good Father - yes, He is!